Guaranteeing Better Health


Apart from improving metabolism, facilitating toxin removal and strengthening immunity, Diamond Energy Water System also helps make everyday life more convenient!


Fresher, healthier plants !

Flowers bloom longer and plants look greener with Diamond Energy Water.


No more pesticides !

For pesticide-free vegetables and fruits that will stay fresh and crunchy longer, wash and soak them in Diamond Energy Water for 30 minutes.


Soften dried food faster !

Reduce the time it takes to prepare dried food such as Chinese mushrooms, white fungi and scallops for cooking by soaking them in Diamond Energy Water.


Wash away fishy smells !

Wash seafood with Diamond Energy Water  to remove unpleasant smells, bring out natural flavour and keep them fresh longer.


For Better Health, Drink Health Water!


Diamond Energy Water System transforms tap water into cleaner, safer health water that our body can readily absorb !

Promotes metabolism and gets rid of toxins !