Tried & Tested By The World’s Best




Diamond Energy Water System has undergone stringent testing at various world-renowned laboratories and research institutes. The results are astounding.


Diamond Energy Water System’s filtration functions dramatically improve water quality, exceeding even the guidelines stipulated by the World Health Organisation.



Contamination Removal.

Used to treat water with contamination at least 100 times above normal levels, Diamond Energy Water System removed over 99% of heavy metals and chlorine while thoroughly eliminating harmful E.Coli bacteria. It also readjusted the highly acidic nature of the water to a mild alkaline balance yet to be matched by other water systems.


Radioactive substance Removal.

Tap water with radioactive contaminants exceeding 36 times the safety level was filtered through the system. Over 98% of contaminants were removed, surpassing the most stringent international guidelines.


Pesticide Removal.

Over 99% of chemical residue was removed from vegetables sprayed with pesticides at over 20 times the safety level when soaked in Diamond Energy Water. This is 40 times more effective than ordinary tap water.


Molecule Cluster Size.

Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis conducted by internationally acclaimed PROBE Analytical Australia proved that Diamond Energy Water’s molecule clusters are at least 50% smaller than those of tap water. No other water system comes any close.


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